Fantech Rn2 Class 3 Low Voltage


PressureTech is proud to introduce a revolutionary breakthrough for the radon fan industry. Say goodbye to costly electricians and permits forever! Introducing the Class 3 Power Supply!


Developed specifically for radon mitigation fans, this compact unit can be used to power ANY radon fan rated at 100 watts or less. The Class 3 Power Supply is a device that plugs into a standard household electrical outlet to create a safe power source for your radon fan. The circuitry in the Power Supply limits the output to 100 watts, and I’ll explain the significance of that wattage in a moment.

First of all, what is the benefits of using a Class 3 Power Supply? Well, simply put, this device allows you to install an OUTDOOR radon fan powered by an INDOOR outlet without any wiring whatsoever! All the connections are plug-and-play for quick, easy activation. How is this possible without violating any electrical codes? The key factor that allows a radon system to be fully plug-and-play is identified in the National Electric Code, Article 725. This code allows both low voltage and POWER-LIMITED 120-volt circuits to use ALTERNATIVE WIRING METHODS.

NEC requires most circuits to be wired using Romex and junction boxes. In most states, this can only be done by a licensed electrician. However, POWER-LIMITED CIRCUITS RATED AT 100 WATTS OR LESS, can be connected using Class 3 flexible cables with molded-on connectors. Class 3 power-limited circuits can operate at up to 150 volts, so most traditional radon fans can be used in a Class 3 Circuit, provided they draw 100 watts or less. Essentially, Class 3 codes allow standard voltage radon fans to be connected using the same method as low voltage radon fans… 100% plug-and-play!

Another benefit of the Class 3 Power Supply is the speed control dial. You can either run the fan at full speed, or dial it down to improve efficiency when full power is not necessary.


Additional information

Weight 10 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 11 in


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